This past Tuesday night, we hosted the seventh CD/SF meetup. Once again the content was good and the attendance was solid. Thanks to all the Mozillians who made it out. And special thanks to our speakers:
Elizabeth Hunt (Mozilla) project_haiku.iot on Github
Mahendranadh Potharaju (Mozilla) project-haiku on Discourse
Mozilla’s Project Haiku team shared some of the things we’ve learned working with a young audience and ambient communication.
Luke Ma (Nut Technology) @nut_technology | @NutTrackers
Luke showed us Nut Technology‘s premium Bluetooth smart trackers that can help you find your keys and track just about anything.
James Pace (Mynewt) @James__Pace
James spoke to us about Apache Mynewt, an open source operating system for constrained IoT devices.
Next month’s CD/SF is in the works. We expect it to be at MozSF towards the end of September. Once we have a date set, we’ll send out the details and you can reach us on Twitter @allthedevices if you have suggestions.
Reza & Lindsay
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